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Mechanical Seals

24 octobre 2008

Xiaoping large-scale oil into the university campus

To let more people see the high-quality art exhibitions, yesterday (23), the Provincial Artists Association, the provincial association of artists and art painting contractor "third oil Guangdong Art Exhibition" at the Guangdong Technical Teachers College...
24 octobre 2008

Wind power is the mainstream of renewable energy technologies

In recent years, China's wind power industry has developed rapidly. According to plan, by 2020 China will reach the scale of wind power installed capacity of 30,000,000 kilowatts, representing an increase of 23 times the current estimate of China's exploitable...
9 octobre 2008

Car bearing the installation and maintenance of common sense

auto bearing the installation, maintenance and use common sense General Motors and the mechanical bearing is an important difference is that the car bearing in the mobile environment, it forces the situation and working conditions more complex and at...
9 octobre 2008

The basic types of oil painting frame

Aircraft painting is the artist painting and oil painting created when used to support the frame. It can make vertical frame, to facilitate the work of the painter. Easel painting is accompanied by the rise of the shelves arising from its practical function...
9 octobre 2008


有关肾病调查研究显示,目前我国肾病患者已多达2000万人;尿毒症患者约为100万人,年死亡率为67.6%,占死亡人群率的10%。虽然现代医学肾病治疗以血液透析和肾移植为主要手段,但肾源稀缺、人体排异反应以及费用昂贵等难题却始终困扰着医患双方。因此,如何有效遏止肾病的发展,尤其是对尿毒症患者的早期治疗、晚期减少透析次数,减轻尿毒症并发症,已成为世界医学界的一项重大课题。 中医学理论认为肾病、尿毒症的发生主要是以下三点原因: 一是先天肾精气不足,遗传物质匮乏. 二是后天肾失所养,脾肾劳伤虚损。 三是寒热湿瘀邪毒阻闭,致使脾肾衰败,五脏失和;湿毒内蕴,精亏血虚。...
9 octobre 2008

what is investment casting

Lost wax casting method now known as the Investment Casting, a little cutting or cutting the die casting process, the foundry industry is a superior technology, its application is very extensive. It is not only applicable to all types, all kinds of alloy...
21 août 2008


既要装修质量好,又要价格好,不花一分冤枉钱我想是每个人的梦想。前段时间与一位朋友闲聊,他跟我讲了他在和装修公司谈装修价格方面的一些心得,我把他的想法进行了简单的整理,供参考: 1、明确自家装修的总体花费和承受能力,如:10万元 2、通常装修公司不含五项主材(灯具、五金、洁具、地板、墙地砖)。此项费用通常占装修总造价的35%至45%,那么装修费用还剩6万元左右。 3、同时告诉您所看重的两个不同的设计师,您的装修造价不能超过6万元,请他们在此基础上出方案和报价。 4、比较方案和报价,参观样板房的施工质量、设计含量和工艺等级,综合考评两家公司。当心中基本确定对象时,再去和装修公司谈价钱,争取最大的优惠让利。...
21 août 2008


首先要选择正规的搬家公司,千万不要找街头贴小广告的搬家公司,以免被黑。事先可以咨询2~3家,从中选择一家有一定知名度或信誉较好的搬家公司。其次要做好准备工作,以免因为自己的原因造成时间或金钱上的浪费。 准备工作要充分,把所有零散东西都收进箱子或打包,化零为整。其次,可以要求搬家公司多派些人手。最后,要合理安排时间和行程,错过堵车高峰和堵车路线。 避免大张旗鼓搬家的繁琐,最好的办法是卖掉所有旧家俱和不必要的日常用品,在新家重新置办一套家俱。虽然这种做法有些奢侈,但会给您一种全新的感受。 有些家庭由于某种原因需要频繁搬家。对于这种家庭,最好避免购买一些大件家俱,而是尽量利用房东提供的设备。搬家用过的纸箱子最好不要扔掉,以备下次再用。最好不要预定一些长期服务,如订报、定奶等服务,这样可以避免很多麻烦。...
21 août 2008

china automotive beaarings

A professionally managed company, we are a reputed manufacturer and exporter of largest range of automotive bearings and industrial bearings including taperd roller bearings, ball bearings, cylindrical bearings, needle roller bearings, spherical clutch...
23 mai 2008

Pneumatic cylinders manufacturer

Pneumatic cylinders (sometimes known as air cylinders) are mechanical devices which produce force, often in combination with movement, and are powered by compressed gas (typically air). To perform their function, pneumatic cylinders impart a force by...
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Mechanical Seals